(619) 802-8562 Mon - Fri: 8AM - 5PM / Saturday: 8AM - 2PM

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are small, thin custom made shells of ceramic that are attached to the front surface of teeth to improve they appearance (shape, size, color, lenght or position) quickly and effectively. They conceal stains, cracks, gaps, chips and other cosmetic imperfections.


Cost: $500 USD

Visits :

1st Visit: Evaluation, Photographs & Wax-Up.
2nd Visit:
Teeth prep & temporary veneers
3rd Visit:
Veneers placement & final photographs


Cost: $250 USD

Visits :

1st Visit: Evaluation, Photographs & Wax-up.

2nd Visit: Veneers Placement & Final Photographs.


We can offer a ride from your home (Southern California) or San Diego Airport to our Office and back.