(619) 802-8562 Mon - Fri: 8AM - 5PM / Saturday: 8AM - 2PM


Invisalign is the most modern treatment to correct the position of the teeth. Special trays are custom made for your mouth, and every few weeks you wear a new tray, designed to eventually straighten your teeth, all this while staying virtually invisible efficiently.


Cost: $4,500 USD

Visits :

1st Visit: Consultation & Digital Scanning to create the customized clear aligners.

2nd Visit: Receiving your Aligners and start to wearing it.

Damon braces

Cost: $2,860 USD

Visits :

1st Visit: Consultation, Photographs & X-Rays.

2nd Visit: Braces placement


We can offer a ride from your home (Southern California) or San Diego Airport to our Office and back.